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E4 Monday Night Movies - 5 Second Bumpers
Collection: Gray's School of Art Collection; Gray's School of Art Design Collection
Object Type: Photographic and Electronic Media
Artist/Maker: Lewery, Jonathan
Place Made: United Kingdom: Aberdeenshire, Gray's School of Art
Date: 2010
Media/Materials: DVD disk
Awards: RGU Design for Digital Media Purchase Award
Artist's statement:
"Through my research, I have noticed a trend emerging in the work of contemporary designers: traditional effects are increasingly being incorporated into digital media as a means of evoking the atmosphere and feel of analogue media. I was curious as to why designers have taken this direction and what has influenced them. I have concluded that a better emotional connection is formed between the viewer and the work. I have applied what I have learned to my own projects, adding subtle nuances in order to blend digital with analogue. The three projects I worked on are: a title sequence for the upcoming short film 'Glen Tanar' in collaboration with Klinikal(tm) and two idents for Klinikal(tm)."
Object Number: ABDRG2010.505
Object Type: Photographic and Electronic Media
Artist/Maker: Lewery, Jonathan
Place Made: United Kingdom: Aberdeenshire, Gray's School of Art
Date: 2010
Media/Materials: DVD disk
Awards: RGU Design for Digital Media Purchase Award
Artist's statement:
"Through my research, I have noticed a trend emerging in the work of contemporary designers: traditional effects are increasingly being incorporated into digital media as a means of evoking the atmosphere and feel of analogue media. I was curious as to why designers have taken this direction and what has influenced them. I have concluded that a better emotional connection is formed between the viewer and the work. I have applied what I have learned to my own projects, adding subtle nuances in order to blend digital with analogue. The three projects I worked on are: a title sequence for the upcoming short film 'Glen Tanar' in collaboration with Klinikal(tm) and two idents for Klinikal(tm)."
Object Number: ABDRG2010.505