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A Cycle Of Pattern
Collection: Gray's School of Art Collection; Gray's School of Art Graphic Design Collection
Object Type: Graphic Design: Book
Artist/Maker: Shearer, Charles
Place Made: Gray's School of Art
Date: 1979
Media/Materials: ink on paper
Dimensions: overall: 29.5 cm x 20.9 cm
Object Number: ABDRG2016.254
Object Type: Graphic Design: Book
Artist/Maker: Shearer, Charles
Place Made: Gray's School of Art
Date: 1979
Media/Materials: ink on paper
Dimensions: overall: 29.5 cm x 20.9 cm
Book "A Cycle of Pattern" by Charles Shearer featuring text and illustrations depicting various agricultural processes
Artist's statement - "My intention in producing this book is not to give a history of the agricultural machine, but to illustrate from personal choice those which convey simplicity and beauty in design. The period covered is pre-tractor, when horse and ox were harnessed for their power. Thus harnessed, their actions on the soil or in the crops produced a series of visual patterns: the uniformity of the ploughed field as the share folds the turf into regular furrows; the oats cut by the reaper upon the harvest field."
Object Number: ABDRG2016.254